The Steering Committee recognised at an early point that there was so much to be done in getting the CBS off the ground that we needed to draw wider support for specific tasks. The following groups have been established to support the Save The Ivy campaign.
Business Plan Group
The business plan group exists to create and maintain the business plan. You can find the business plan on this site. Members of this group are:
- Dave Denny (FoTI Operations Lead)
- Joe Alford (FoTI Sales & Marketing Lead)
- David Bush
- Douglas Green
- Richard Ring
- Tony Walker
History Group
The history group is a separate village society who are supporting Friends of The Ivy by prioritising work on investigating the history of The Ivy and help build interest in our campaign. Members of this group are:
- Mark Woodlands (History Group Lead)
- Dave Mort (FoTI Vice-Chair)
- Liz Seward (FoTI Administrator)
- Matt Wheeler (FoTI Advisor for Licensed Operations)
- Raquel Anstee de Mas
- Catherine Brode
- Leah Songhurst
Fundraising Group
The fundraising group conducts a variety of tasks including community engagement, marketing activities, grant and funding applications, and networking in the area. Members of this group are:
- Kate Howard (FoTI Fundraising Lead)
- Paul Moyle-Harris (FoTI Chair)
- Russell Gange (FoTI Building Lead)
- Jeff Brown
- Lynda Brown
- Barbara Clarke
- Charlie Money-Kyrle
More sub-groups will be added as the needs of the Community Benefit Society evolve.