Villagers launch campaign to buy The Ivy Inn in Heddington as Wiltshire’s next community-run pub

On 2 May 2024 Wadworth Brewery, the owners of the Ivy Inn in Heddington announced they were putting this celebrated pub up for sale. The Ivy is subject to an Asset of Community Value order which prevents Wadworth from agreeing a sale for six months, allowing time for Heddington villagers and the surrounding community the opportunity to explore the possibility of buying and running it as a community-owned pub.

A well-attended public meeting was followed by a survey of the village which demonstrated overwhelming support for the proposal which, in addition to keeping the pub open, will also
develop other community benefits such as a daytime café and meeting space. With that mandate, an application has been made to the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) to form “Friends of The Ivy” as a Community Benefit Scheme that will drive the initial campaign and, if successful in buying the pub, to oversee its long-term future.

With support from Plunkett UK and the valuable advice from other community-run pubs in the South-West, ‘Friends of The Ivy’ are currently progressing with the detailed business plan, raising awareness and fundraising. A Community Shares scheme for potential investors will be announced in the coming months—keep an eye on for updates.


Paul Moyle-Harris commented, “The Ivy Inn dates back to at least 1886 and, along with the village of Heddington, has significant historical interest. We are actively researching the fascinating story of this unique public house, which we hope will continue to be enjoyed by generations to come.

'Save The Ivy' community pub campaign in Heddington, Wiltshire

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Next Public Meeting

Friday 27 September in Heddington Village Hall at 7:30 pm.

It may be postponed if flooding continues to cause
difficulties getting in/out of the village
