Friends of The Ivy is now a ‘Community Benefit Society’

On 4 September 2024, Friends of The Ivy Limited became a Community Benefit Society under the ‘Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies Act 2014’ registered by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA)—registration number 9386.

This milestone allows the ‘Save The Ivy’ campaign to move ahead at a pace. The Friends of The Ivy website has been updated to allow anyone interested in supporting the campaign to register their interest in receiving a copy of the ‘Community Share Prospectus’ when it is available. Shares are £1 each and the minimum investment is £100 per person.

It will also greatly assist fundraising efforts from major funding bodies if Friends of The Ivy is able to demonstrate that we have firm pledges of substantial financial support already in place. Anyone who is in a position to be able to pledge that they would definitely contribute at least £1,000 to Friends of The Ivy (either via a community shares purchase or a donation); are urged to also complete the ‘Pledge Financial Support form’. We appreciate you may want to have read the full business plan before pledging support; and that will be made available in the near future.

Paul Moyle-Harris commented, “Our campaign to bring The Ivy Inn in Heddington under community ownership has just moved up a gear. We already have had strong financial commitments from many people in the village, for which we are very grateful, but we also need to understand what funding support we have from the wider Wiltshire community.

I encourage everyone who is passionate about saving pubs, and is in a position to purchase as many community shares as they can reasonably afford to.

Paul Moyle-Harris chair of 'Friends of The Ivy' campaign
Paul Moyle Harris
Chair of Friends of The Ivy

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Next Public Meeting

Friday 27 September in Heddington Village Hall at 7:30 pm.

It may be postponed if flooding continues to cause
difficulties getting in/out of the village
