Ivy Inn Heddington in Wiltshire steam rallyFriends of The Ivy in Heddington logo
Ivy Inn Heddington in WiltshireFriends of The Ivy in Heddington logo
Ivy Inn real ale barrelsFriends of The Ivy in Heddington logo
Ivy Inn Heddington in Wiltshire a family-friendly pubFriends of The Ivy in Heddington logo
Twiglet at Ivy Inn Heddington in WiltshireFriends of The Ivy in Heddington logo

REquest Share Prospectus

In the next few weeks we will be launching the prospectus for the community share offer which will be the core of the fundraising required for Friends of The Ivy to purchase The Ivy Inn in Heddington for the benefit of the local community. If you are interested in investing, please complete and submit your details below and we’ll send you the share prospectus when it is available.

Community Shares

Some key points to note (these will be explained in more detail in the Community Share Prospectus):

  • Friends of the Ivy is a Community Benefit Society regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), registration number 9386
  • Community Shares in Friends of The Ivy are £1 each
  • The minimum investment is 100 shares (£100) and the maximum individual shareholding is 20,000 shares (£20,000)
  • We are aiming to raise ~£450,000 from the community share offer with the remaining funding from grants and donations (we anticipate requiring in the region of £750,000 in total)
  • Shareholder funds will be held in a separate account until Friends of The Ivy secures the right to buy the pub; if this is not successful your investment will be refunded
  • Community Shares have a fixed value of £1—unlike corporate shares they will not increase in value
  • You cannot withdraw your money (divest your shares) for at least three years and withdrawal requests are subject to an affordability test (as decided by the Friends of The Ivy Management Committee)
  • Interest on shares may be payable after three years, subject to the profitability and reserves of the trading activity (at the discretion of the Friends of The Ivy Management Committee)
  • Minimum age to purchase community shares is 12 (applications for persons under 18 must be countersigned by a parent or guardian)
  • Community Share purchases may be subject to tax relief via the Enterprise Investment Scheme (EIS) or Seed Enterprise Investment Scheme (SEIS) (subject to the trading model adopted by the Management Committee)
  • Friends of The Ivy cannot provide financial advice; if you need further information on risk, you should seek advice from a qualified financial adviser

If multiple people in your household are considering purchase Community Shares, each person should complete and submit the form

Pledge Financial Support

It will greatly assist our fundraising efforts from major funding bodies if we are able to demonstrate that we have firm pledges of financial support already in place.

How you can help

If you are in a position to be able to pledge that you would definitely contribute at least £1,000 to Friends of The Ivy (either via a community shares purchase or a donation); we would be very grateful if you would also complete our Pledge Financial Support form and formally advise us of the amount of your pledge. Thank you.

making financial pledge handshake

Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.

Only required if you are intending to purchase community shares through a company rather than as an individual
Mobile telephone number preferred
How do you prefer to receive the Community Share Prospectus?
Please consider the environment before opting for a printed copy; sending you a PDF instead also reduces our costs, making more funds available for the campaign
Estimated investment: £100
We appreciate you will not know exactly how much you wish to invest until you have read the Community Share Prospectus. However it will help our financial projections if you can give an indication of how many £1 shares you think you might purchase; please be as honest as possible and try to avoid over-estimating your potential investment.
We cannot send you the Community Share Prospectus if you do not agree to Friends of The Ivy storing the information you have provided. Friends of The Ivy will never share your details with third-parties unless required to do so by law.
Friends of The Ivy community share prospectus draft front cover
Entering your date of birth

To enter your Date of birth, click in the box and a calendar will pop up:

  1. Click on the month and select the correct month from the drop-down list
  2. Click on the year and it will turn blue, either type the correct year or use the up/down arrows to select the correct year
  3. Finally click on the correct date and your DOB will appear in the box in the correct format.

Next Public Meeting

Friday 27 September in Heddington Village Hall at 7:30 pm.

It may be postponed if flooding continues to cause
difficulties getting in/out of the village
